Catherine McDiarmid-Watt |
Friday, October 22, 2010 |
treasure code,
Another iRazoo Treasure Code!
Today it is worth 30 points, and you will find it posted on their Twitter page and Facebook page . Expires today at 11:22 PM EST.
PLUS - If you haven't already joined iRazoo, you get a 50 Razbucks sign up gift, for a total of 80 RBs!
Click here to sign up!
To use your code, go to the iRazoo main page and click on My Account and then click on Add Treasure Code to get points.
Put the code in the box where it says "Treasure Code" and click "Apply".
Are you doing your daily recommendations?
Every day you can get 100 RBs for commenting/recommending on websites. Do that every day for a month! That's an easy 3,000 RBs every single month!
BTW, since September 7/10 I've already earned 14,977 points - enough for four $5.00 Amazon gift cards and 3 points away from my fifth!
How much have you earned? Come share in the Frugal Freebies discussion forum!
Click here to sign up
How iRazoo Works
Recommendations - They have added back their famous points for recommendations system! You will now get 25 points for each website recommendation and 25 points for each comment, for a total of 50 points for each website. We allow only 2 recommendations/comments per day, which will give you an extra 100 points per day!
Treasure Codes - Earn points for finding and entering iRazoo Treasure Codes into the MyAccount page. Each iRazoo Treasure code is worth a different amount of points and Treasure Codes are only available at certain times. The Treasure codes can be found on the iRazoo Facebook page, iRazoo Blog, iRazoo Message Board, iRazoo MyAccount page, or iRazoo search results pages. Enter the Treasure Code during the correct time period into the MyAccount page and your points will automatically be updated.
- This was posted by Catherine on October 22, 2010 -
Some don't use their last name when requesting freebies - to foil the telemarketers who take your name and address and look up your phone number to call you. To avoid these nuisance calls, they use only their first and middle name, or change some of the letters in their last name. Another benefit is that way you can track where the junk mail came from.
Click for more quick freebie tips
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treasure code
About Catherine: I have been writing frugal tips since 1982, when I was a young divorced mom of two - for my baby product company, Born to Love. I am now mom to three sons, who are all grown up - and re-married to a wonderful man. We have rescued two little dogs, Denny and Dexter - and Bella, the cat.
Questions? Email me at catherine (at) or post to my Facebook Fan Page!
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Please Note: I make every effort to check the validity of all outgoing links at the time of posting, but I am not responsible for any content outside of this website. Please browse carefully. I have provided these links to other websites for your convenience only; I am not responsible for the availability of these other websites nor the freebies/coupons/information they offer.
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