FREEBIE: 101+ Pregnancy/Infant Loss Items
In the Company of Angels |
October 15 is National Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Day
-- Each year, approximately a million pregnancies in the U.S. end in miscarriage, stillbirth, or the death of the newborn child. In Canada, one pregnancy in four ends in perinatal death. How many people have lived through this experience or seen others go through it without knowing how to act?
This day offers the opportunity to increase our understanding of the great tragedy involved in the deaths of unborn and newborn babies. It also enables us to consider how, as individuals and communities, we can meet the needs of bereaved parents and family members on work to prevent causes of these problems.
I Carried You Every Second of Your Life and I Will Love You Every Second of Mine |
π Free Printable Art|Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness -- Too many families carry their grief in silence, unsure of how to properly cope with the loss. In honor of Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month, and for all the babies gone too soon, I want to share with you this printable art.
π When Your Baby Has Died: A Guide to Coping With Grief and Loss | Free Printable Booklet
π Baby Loss in a Multiple Pregnancy: A Guide to Coping With Grief and Loss | Free Printable Booklet
π Moments of Life | Free Streaming Film -- Co-directed by Samuel-A. Caron and France Gallant, Moments of Life breaks the silence on this sensitive subject. They follow a group of bereaved parents who organize to offer support in their region, driven by a determination to reduce isolation. This film is both a conversation-starter and a source of hope and inspiration. Moments of Life brings hope and inspiration—because grief endures, but sorrow can be shared. (French, with English subtitles)
π Birth Plan for Pregnancy Loss - Dealing with the unexpected loss of a child is a difficult process to anticipate. This handout helps organize and prepare the pregnant woman for expected loss in childbirth.
π When there is no photographer available tips -
Now I Lay Me Down to Sleepis currently offering a continuing education course for members of the medical community. To aid in serving bereaved families during the COVID-19 outbreak, this course will be available free of charge for a limited time.
π Free Peer-Support Services - We offer a variety of peer-support services (at no cost to families) to parents and family members who have been affected by pregnancy or infant loss. Our support services are offered in-person, over the phone and online, and are available to residents of Ontario.
π Free Booklets for Families - PAIL Network creates booklets and handouts that may provide additional information about the unique grief and care needs that often accompany pregnancy and infant loss.
π FREE Miscarriage Journal Prompts - You may feel the urge to write, but when you grab a pen and paper your mind draws a blank and the overwhelming surge fills you again.
π Making Memories - Many parents cherish the time they were able to spend with their baby, and keepsakes can play a vital role in the grieving process following baby loss as most parents find making memories and having such reminders afterwards a great comfort.
π Remembering Our Babies - First Candle is inviting you to light a candle in honor of a baby who is no longer with us.
π Angel Pics -professionals retouch up to two photographs for free and they can be sent in digitally (so you don't have to bring your precious photos or grieving self to a store front).
π Held Your Whole Life® - New memorial requests are OPEN for HYWL Signature Necklace and Key-chain in the shop. Each family may order one of each item for free and pay only the $5 shipping fee. In order to better serve our international families, we are now able to send memorial gifts using our cost-efficient, flat packaging.
π Request a Comfort Kit -Comfort Kits are designed for individuals, couples and families who have recently suffered a pregnancy loss. You can request a kit for yourself or for someone you know who has recently suffered a loss. Comfort Kits are provided free of charge. However, there is a $5 fee to help offset the cost of shipping.
Mommy of an Angel Pendant |
π Preemie Angel Certificate - To acknowledge and remember our tiny fighters that have gained wings we invite you you download our Preemie Angel Certificate.
π Free Printable Certificate of Life - Michelle believes no mother should go home without anything tangible to acknowledge their precious baby and their baby's precious short life.
π Free Printable Certificate of Life - A certificate of life acknowledging a baby who was born and died. Autumn leaves flutter from the pages of a book.
π Certificate to be offered to parents of a stillborn baby - There are 5 forms available with spaces to include: Only the mother's name - Only the father's name - The names of a mother and a father - The names of two mothers - The names of two fathers
π Free Certificate of Life - Mindi shared,
When you lose a little one so early in the womb, you don't get a lot to remember her by. This certificate of life gives us a meaningful place for her name and date to be written so that it can be displayed in beauty and honor, the way she is so cherished in our hearts.
π Free Certificate of Life - All certificates are made complimentary and sent as a PDF file for you to print at your convenience.
π Baby Name Certificates - Documenting a treasured baby's name with a certificate can help you honor their memory in a way that feels tangible. They can also be a very helpful step forward in a parent's healing journey.
π Certificate of Acknowledgement for the Brief Life of ... - printable form.
π Requesting a
Certificate of Birth Resulting in Stillbirthfrom the State of Minnesota
π Free Certificates Of Life - We send these out free of charge to those who have been devastated by the loss of a baby. They will be left blank so you can fill in the details yourself.
π Early Pregnancy Loss Recognition in Australia - In some States and Territories early pregnancy loss recognition certificates are available from Births, Deaths, and Marriages
π Certificates of Life - Sample certificates to mark pregnancy loss before 24 weeks of pregnancy.
Baby Loss Memorial Frame |
π Miscarriage Birth Certificates - Nebraska is the first state to offer retroactive certificates, so women who experienced a miscarriage prior to the passage of the law can receive a certificate, and there is no minimum gestation required to qualify for the certificate. (Nebraska)
π Florida Certificate of Nonviable Birth - Parents may contact their health care practitioner to request a Certificate of Nonviable Birth be filed for a spontaneous fetal demise occurring between the 10th through the 19th week of gestation. (Florida)
π Registration of Stillbirths and Certification for Pregnancy Loss - NHS trusts are encouraged to develop a system of hospital-based commemorative certification for fetuses that are not classified as stillbirths. This would provide women or couples with a certificate recording their pregnancy loss before 24 weeks of gestation. (UK)
π Early pregnancy loss recognition certificate - You can apply for an early loss of pregnancy recognition certificate from the Registry of Births, Deaths, and Marriages. Your delivery must have taken place in Tasmania. (Australia)
π Early pregnancy loss recognition certificate - You do have the right to commemorate your family's loss. Your delivery must have taken place in Queensland. (Australia)
π Commemorative Certificates for Early Loss of Pregnancy - available from Births, Deaths, and Marriages (BDM) to commemorate deliveries that are not able to be registered under the Births, Deaths, and Marriages Registration Act 1996. (Australia)
π Recognition Certificate for early pregnancy loss - You are eligible if the loss occurred before 20 weeks gestation, or if gestation weeks are unknown, the baby weighed less than 400 grams. The certificate will be issued free of charge however there is a limit of three certificates per child. (Australia)
π Recognition of Early Pregnancy Loss - You can commemorate an early pregnancy loss with a Recognition of Early Pregnancy Loss certificate. Your delivery must have taken place in NSW. (New Zealand)
Joy Comes In The Morning |
π Free Miscarriage Keepsake Gift Necklace for Mom - I am offering a free handmade angel wing and birthstone miscarriage keepsake necklace as a gift to all the mamas out there who have lost their little one(s).
π Your Rights During a Miscarriage
π Shattered Dreams - Index of Articles on Miscarriage
π Free Printable Miscarriage And Infertility Booklets
π Your Miscarriage - The Miscarriage Association
π Poems about Pregnancy Loss
π Dads Hurt Too: A Father’s Memoir of Miscarriage
π Grief, Loss and Bereavement Tools
π Catholic Resources and Gifts for Miscarriage, Stillbirth, and Infant Loss
π Grief Resources - Rachel's GIFT® | Pregnancy and Infant Loss
π Free Miscarriage Condolence Letter template
π 10 Ways to Honor Your Baby After Miscarriage or Infant Loss
Don't Talk About the Baby |
π Free Sympathy and Condolences Cards
π Pregnancy Loss — Sharon McKeeman
π Surviving The Nightmare of Pregnancy Loss | The Odds Are In Your Favor
π Ectopic Pregnancy (booklet) -
π A pregnancy loss is still a birthday - Free, printable birth plans for birth in any trimester
π Abby's Gift | created to help families with a critically-ill or terminally-ill child, who are often on End-of-Life care
π Songs | A Memory Grows
π Request Free Memory Boxes and Burial Gowns
π Baby Memory Crafts
π Offers support, assistance, and memory-making keepsakes at NO CHARGE to families - in Indiana and Ohio
π Free 2 Week Guided Healing Experience
π Free resource devoted to helping you memorialize and remember your loved one
π Each keepsake contains items made from other families - who have lost a baby or child and items that help support families during loss. Shipping cost $5
π Silent Grief - Sunnybrook Hospital - A booklet for Parents Experiencing Early Pregnancy Loss
Meditations for Pregnancy-Related Loss |
π Teeny Tears - Providing tiny flannel diapers at no charge to hospitals and bereavement support organizations for families who have suffered the loss of a preemie or micro-preemie child through stillbirth or NICU loss.
π Pregnancy Loss Coloring Page - Download, Print, and Color to your heart's content!
π Minimize Regrets and Maximize Memories - here are ideas to consider when meeting and when remembering precious babies.
π 20 Heart-Touching Poems About Miscarriage - some poignant miscarriage poems to help moms overcome the tragic experience of miscarriage.
π Free Healing Tools - Whether you've just lost your angel, are trying to conceive again, are pregnant, or some time has passed, there is always space for healing.
π Butterfly Box Ottawa-Gatineau - Each box is packed with carefully selected items chosen by families who have experienced pregnancy and infant loss first-hand.
π Free Sands Memory Box - When a baby dies, there may be little visible evidence of their time with its parents, family, and loved ones. Memory boxes are an important part of many bereaved parents' journeys since they are a special place for families to store meaningful items they have collected through their baby's pregnancy, birth, and in the years that follow.
π Stars of Remembrance - The Miscarriage Association's Stars of Remembrance section provides a memorial space for babies lost in pregnancy – a special place to mark the brief lives of those babies who died before they were born.
π Leighla's Love Bags - Supporting those who have suffered from Miscarriage, Stillbirth or Child Loss in Muskoka
I Love You Still |
π Little Love Foundation – Provides keepsake clothing and miscarriage care packages for bereaved parents of baby loss.
π HYWL memorial gift - Our mission is to acknowledge life by creating personalized memorial jewelry for families who have lost a baby in the womb.
π The Smallest Gift - Sometimes Love Lasts a Moment, Sometimes Love Lasts a Lifetime, Sometimes a Moment is a Lifetime. Through the loss of our own, infants we reach out to other families and provide a blanket and weighted heart. We also supply local hospitals with comfort gifts to be given to families after a loss.
π Christian Remembrance Services - take place in a number of cathedrals across the UK throughout the year. You might also find Christian prayers and liturgies helpful.
π Miscarriage and Infant Loss Resources – MyCatholicDoctor - Online Resources, Prayers and Scripture, Books
π Jewish prayers or ceremonies - We were anticipating the birth of a child, but the promise of life was ended too soon. Our arms yearned to cradle new life, our mouths to sing soft lullabies. Our hearts ache from the emptiness and the silence. We are saddened and we are angry. We weep and we mourn. Weep with us, God, Creator of Life, for the life that could not be.
π Jewish Prayers and Rituals - Browse through Jewish rituals, watch a video, download a ritual, or build your own.
π Jewish Miscarriage Ritual - Pastorally, rabbis of all denominations have quietly created rituals to help deal with the grief and trauma of miscarriage.
π Support, Education, and Training when a child dies - You can find suggestions about Muslim prayers and practice, as well as support, from the Children of Jannah website.
π Miscarriages and Stillbirths: The Loss of a Baby in Muslim Communities - A Muslim perspective on supporting someone after pregnancy loss.
π The Japanese Art of Grieving a Miscarriage - Find comfort in the Japanese Jizo concept.
Eye of the Storm |
π Joy Bundles - provides
Joy Bundlesto parents of child loss. (whether they lost a child recently or many years ago) These bundles include many small tokens of love and remembrance to provide tangibility to the short, yet very significant, life of a little one - a sort of
hugfrom someone who understands the pain and heartbreak they are going through.
π The Remembering Together Ornament Swap - a crafting event organized each holiday season for families who have experienced the loss of a baby to miscarriage, preterm labor, stillbirth, and neonatal death. It is a lovely tradition and a beautiful way to honor the memory of our babies that we love and miss so much.
π Forever Heart – A printable baby book designed specifically for your angel. Cost $5.
π Miscarriage Care Packages - A heartfelt gift to women who sadly lose their baby through miscarriage. The items included are intended as a source of comfort, and a symbol of love and caring. (UK)
π Forever Babies Miscarriage Video (Look in the left-hand column)
π 3D Foot/Hand Casting Instructions - Parents appreciate anything we can give them, and I have been told that these casts really validate their child’s existence. It gives them something precious and tangible to hold. It is
proofthat they were here.
π 21 Comforting Baby Loss Quotes - These baby loss quotes are heartfelt and comforting and can be used for messages in sympathy flowers, cards, or gifts. They are apt for miscarriages and stillbirths too. We hope that these words for the loss of a child will give hope and peace to those who have lost their baby.
π Free Pregnancy Loss Printable - This print is a reminder that we are never alone. You tragically share pregnancy loss with 1 out of 4 moms out there. Frame it, share it as a card with a friend, or just keep it on your desk.
π Free Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Phone Background - As a gentle reminder of your sweet baby or babies, here are a few phone and smartwatch backgrounds for you. Update your background and keep a gentle reminder of your baby always nearby.
Baby Dust |
π We Need Not Walk Alone - The national magazine of The Compassionate Friends, We Need Not Walk Alone, has been described as
a support group in print,featuring articles by and for parents, siblings, and grandparents who are grieving the death of a child in their family. Receive a subscription to We Need Not Walk Alone online FREE just by subscribing.
π In Memory of ... - cherish, tribute, and honor those you have lost. 100% free, supported by donations. Create an online memory, publish a photo memory book.
π Honoring Our Angels Service Project - Honor your angel by serving others. It can be any type of service. You can do it as a family, an individual, a congregation, or any other way that you'd like. Hopefully, this service project will touch many lives for good.
π Project B.E.A.R. - We believe every child is a precious blessing, no matter how short their time with us and whether or not we got to hold them in our arms or just in our hearts. Project B.E.A.R. gives teddy bears to anyone grieving the loss of a baby. Bears are donated through hospitals or directly to individuals who request them. There is no charge for the bears.
π Grief Counselors - Our grief counselors are here to listen with compassion and understanding. They know this pain and are ready for you to share yours. Free of charge. Phone: 1300 11 HOPE or email (Australia)
π Free Child and Baby Memory Samplers from Craft Designs - Free samplers in both cross stitch and plastic canvas to make in memory of a child or baby who has gone to Heaven ...
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Team Aviano members release balloons during the Airborne Angels' balloon release event, at the park in San Quirino, Italy, to honor the memories of infant or unborn children who have passed away |
Dear Mom of a Baby in Heaven.
π List of Pregnancy Loss Resources for Families and Healthcare Providers - Organizations with Resources and Information on Pregnancy Loss
π Funeral Assistance Programs - The TEARS Foundation pays for current infant funeral expenses and unexpected child funeral expenses.
π Share a story, a poem, a prayer, or a blessing - Losing a baby can be the hardest thing we ever have to survive.
π Open to Hope - a non-profit foundation with the mission of helping people find hope after loss. They invite you to read, listen, and share your stories of hope and compassion.
π Tommy's Book of misCOURAGE - Welcome to Tommy's Book of misCOURAGE, a place of support for millions of women to share brave stories of miscarriage. Every story counts. Together, we will create something that can't be ignored, something that helps everyone understand the scale and devastation of miscarriage.
π Madison's Miracles - A non-profit 501 (c) 3 organization that provides support and resources to grieving parents who have experienced stillbirth, pregnancy, or infant loss.
π Still Birthday | A Pregnancy Loss is Still a Birthday - A collection of crafts, tutorials, and ideas that can be beneficial for parents who want to engage in crafts with surviving and/or subsequent children in a therapeutic way to talk about the child's beloved sibling.
The Art of Losing |
π Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep - providing the gift of remembrance photography for parents suffering the loss of a baby. They have a network of private photographers in communities around the country who will take beautiful pictures of families and babies when a baby dies at no cost to the family.
π Tear Soup Cooking Tips - a recipe for healing after loss. This is your grief — no one else's. Your friends can't feel your loss in the same way. It will not affect their life the way it affects yours. More free downloads from GriefWatch.
π Past issues of Sharing Magazine - Share's mission is to serve those whose lives are touched by the tragic death of a baby through pregnancy loss, stillbirth, or in the first few months of life.
π Heaven Notes - Write a note to your child. IRIS will collect these letters throughout the year and then the ashes from these letters will be scattered at Kinder Park (IRIS Park) during the balloon release which is held the first Sunday in October.
π Ice Luminaries - Creating beautiful ice luminaries with flowers, greens, and toys are easy and offer breathtaking results. A frozen luminary can brighten a grave-site as well as a sidewalk or path.
π Held Your Whole Life Jewelry - New memorial requests are OPEN for our HYWL Signature Necklace and Key-chain in the shop. Each family may order one of each item for free and pay only the $5 shipping fee. In order to better serve our international families, we are now able to send memorial gifts using our cost-efficient, flat packaging.
π Quotes and Bible Verses - A list of quotes and Bible verses to offer hope and healing for families who have experienced pregnancy or infant loss.
There Was Supposed to Be a Baby |
π Kindle ebooks on pregnancy loss and miscarriage from Kindle Unlimited
π Miscarriage Prayer
π Bridget's Cradles™ - a nonprofit organization incorporated in the state of Kansas. The mission of Bridget's Cradles™ is to provide hospitals with knitted and crocheted cradles to hold babies who were born into Heaven in the second trimester of pregnancy.
π Ways to Honor Your Baby in Heaven - Every family grieves differently. These ideas are for those looking for ways to memorialize their baby, it is not meant to be an all-inclusive checklist of the things you should be doing.
π Little Love Foundation - If your hospital did not have care packages for you, please take a minute to fill out the form below. Help us bring care packages to more families in need. We do not want any family to have to worry about finding a way to dress their tiny baby at such a heartbreaking time.
π Later Pregnancy Loss/Infant Loss - we hope that by providing these resources we can offer support and comfort: Angel Memory Boxes, Baby Loss Comfort Packages, NICU Care Packages
π Care package and gift ideas for a friend after miscarriage - The following are a few ideas to help you put together a gift or care package for your bereaved friend.
π Sweet Pea Project - The Sweet Pea Project collects blankets to donate to hospitals and birthing centers. The blankets are lovingly wrapped around these precious babies and then given to the parents to keep.
My Life of Loss |
π Healing Hearts Care Package - Full of resources to bring hope and healing to your grieving heart. Everything is hand-picked especially for the person receiving it. A special book, journal, and treats are just some of the unique items they have. Plus,
BirthDay Bear - stuffed bears weighted to the exact weight of the baby you have lost. We have found just holding onto these keepsake bears provides a surrogate which helps mothers and fathers start the journey toward healing.
π Healing From the Start manual - to support/empower the nursing and medical communities to better take care of newly bereaved parents. And even though emotions are high, by using the suggestions in this manual, staff can feel confident what they are offering their patients will be authentic, supportive, compassionate care that will not only benefit their patients but will benefit the medical staff as well.
Little Footprints |
π Find Additional Support through the Following Resources
PLUS - If you are getting
babyjunk mail, and wish to get off the list check out:
π The Mail Preference Service - designed to assist those consumers in decreasing the amount of national non-profit or commercial mail they receive at home. (US)
π Baby Mailing Preference Service (MPS) online - Free site where parents can register online to stop or help reduce baby-related mailings. (UK)
This will not stop every call or mailing, but it will catch the bulk. It may take several weeks to take effect. I hope this helps you and brings you some small comfort.
Category: 101 freebies, CDN, children, freebie, holiday freebies, special days, US, women, worldwide
I've just added a freebie for pregnancy loss as well on my site. You can add this to your list. Anyone who's had a miscarriage may apply or request to have a free miscarriage keepsake gift here:
I lost my son and I would love to have one
Im all done with having babies
I have lost 2 and I would love one
I’m sorry for everyone’s loss of your babies and don’t give up in life