Catherine McDiarmid-Watt |
Monday, September 13, 2010 |
article,earn money,free money,iRazoo,swagbucks,zoombucks,
I have posted three Search and Win sites now - Swagbucks, Zoombucks and iRazoo - and I am sure some of you are wondering how in the world you could possibly do all three - and still have a life!
Do you have to spend your whole day searching???
Well you could, but it probably wouldn't get you any more than if you did occasional searches throughout the day. I have been tracking my wins over the past couple of days and I will share the results with you below.
Once you win in a search, there really is no need to keep searching because you usually won't win again for a while. Some do get back-to-back wins, but it all seems to work out the same. Even the heavy-duty searchers don't win more than 3-5 times in a 24 hour period.
Is this really an easy money maker or just a waste of time?
Well, it's been great for me! I signed up to Swagbucks on April 18/10 and in just five months I have bought a Canon Camcorder ($280), dog car seat harness and dog carriers ($105) with my Amazon gift cards and yesterday I ordered an iPod Touch ($255 value) from the Swagstore.
I have only been with Zoombucks just over a month, since August 7/20, but I have more than enough to get one of their many $20 gift cards - I am saving for a larger denomination.
For iRazoo, I just signed up September 7/10 - and after just 5 days, I had enough for a $5.00 Amazon gift card!
So here's how to get points/bucks without making it your life's work!
9:00 AM - I log onto Swagbucks and do my Dailies:
● open your browser with the toolbar loaded and and get 1 or 2 SBs.
● check your Trusted Survey Dashboard (I rarely have any surveys to do!) and get 1 SB.
● do the NOSO (No Obligation Special Offers) and get 1 SB (clicking Skip, No & next Offer till the end)
● answer the Daily Poll and get 1 SB
That took me about 4 minutes, and I made at least 4 SBs. Might not seem like much, but in a month that is at least 120 SBs and in just 4 months that's a $5.00 Amazon gift card!
Next I do a search for iRazoo in Swagbucks. Always search any website first, that your are going to anyhow - like Facebook, Twitter, Hotmail - rather than just typing it in - and you can often win SBs/ZBs/IR points for your search!
Open up iRazoo in a new tab and do your Recommendations, searching for and voting for 4 websites each day. This will earn you 100 IR points (25 points per vote) - and will take you about another 4 minutes.
With just doing that each day, you can make 3,000 IR points - enough for a $5.00 Amazon card - every single month!
9:08 - Back to my regular work
So when a reader tells me they cannot win anything - I wonder, are you really trying? This is so simple - 8 minutes each day and in just four months you would have made $25 in Amazon gift cards!!
OK, now the searching part. Whenever I have time, I take a few minutes to do some searching. To speed it up, I open up each search engine in a tab, so I have three tabs open.
Then I type a word or phrase into the first search engine, see if I win. Copy the word or phrase and paste it into the 2nd search engine, see if I win. Paste it into the 3rd search engine and see if I win. Very quick!
This time it took three different phrases:
9:47 - Typed "Zoombucks" into Swagbucks and won 7 SBs!
9:48 - Typed "Frugal Freebies" in iRazoo and won 42 points!
9:52 - Typed "Breast vs Formula debate" in Zoombucks and won 5 ZBs!
So 4 minutes of searching and I go back to work. Now I work online all day long, so I have time to do the occasional searches. But even if you only search for a few moments once a day, you can win SB/ZBs/points every day too!
I write and research all day long, so I usually have lots of words or phrases to search. This time I got a double win - same word in two search engines:
11:08 - Typed "movies" into Swagbucks and won 7 SBs!
11:09 - Typed "movies" into iRazoo and won 24 points!
No wins for Zoombucks right now, so back to work
11:32 - Take a few moments to do the Zoombucks ZDaily - after a few clicks, I win 6 ZBs!
Taking a few moments to do a few searches for an article...
12:04 - Typed "Suicide Prevention Day" into Swagbucks and won 7 SBs!
No wins on the other search engines, so back to work.
Taking a few moments to do a few searches...
3:01 - Typed "Rory McDonald" into iRazoo and won 25 points!
No wins on the other search engines, so back to work.
6:24 - There is a Swag code out - and I grab 6 SBs!
Last minute check before bedtime...
10:12 - I typed in "Subway Fresh Buzz" into Zoombucks and won 5 ZBs!
And that's it for Thursday! Let's check the final tally:
Swagbucks - 4, 7, 7, 7, 6 - total 31 SBs
Zoombucks - 5, 6, 5 - total 16 ZBs
iRazoo - 100, 42, 24, 25 - total 191 IRs
Friday was a good day too!
Swagbucks - 4, 11, 11, 11, 4, 8 - total 49 SBs
Zoombucks - 7, 9, 5 - total 21 ZBs
iRazoo - 100, 46, 49, 60, 24 - total 279 IRs
Saturday I didn't have much time for searching, the Zoombucks site is down for maintenance:
Swagbucks - 4, 11, 9, 6 - total 30 SBs
iRazoo - 100, 42, 24, 25 - total 191 IRs
Sunday was better, the Zoombucks site still seems to be down for maintenance:
Swagbucks - 4, 11, 9, 11, 9 - total 44 SBs
iRazoo - 100, 12, 43, 73, 24 - total 252 IRs
If you think I am just lucky in searching, here's what my referrals have won in just a few days on iRazoo -
Kassycool1 - 86
Grandmadory - 148
Shadowdax - 94
alizerinred - 20
granny4764 - 34
snugles4433 - 359
Zardis - 136
You can search for anything - it makes no difference. You could just search the phrase "You can search for anything" and see if you win. You won't win with every search - it's all random.
OK, so you do that search and no win. Look down the page of results and see what catches your eye...
I see "How to search for anything" - so I search that. No win.
So I look down those search results and see "Watch how to videos" - so I search that - and I might just win! You will usually win within the first 10 or so searches. If not, stop for a while and try again later.
Some find that they win around the same time each day - so, if you just check the time from yesterday's win, and search around the same time (doesn't have to be exact) and there's your win!
There are lots of other ways to earn money, that I mostly don't have time for - but the other day I earned 100 SBs for answering a survey, and I've earned SBs occasionally for doing tasks and Special Offers - though I don't get that many as a Canadian.
Tell me how I can earn free money online!?
Swagbucks are free digital dollars that you can earn by searching - just like you do on Google - hunting for swag codes, answering polls, surveys, doing tasks, etc. You can turn in your Swagbucks for Amazon, Target or Starbucks gift cards or iPod, TV, video games and more! Click to sign up!
iRazoo is also a search and win site, yet keys on a slightly different approach. You can search and win free digital dollars that you can trade for Amazon or Best Buy gift cards and other great electronic prizes. But iRazoo is also a social search engine that rewards you for voting on the sites within the search results. iRazoo is available to the US, Canada and the UK. Click to sign up!
Zoombucks is also a search and win site - for free digital dollars that you can trade for over 100 different brand name gift cards. ZoomBucks is also launching GAMES! Games will cost 1 ZBuck and prizes will be awarded DAILY for 1st, 2nd & 3rd for EACH GAME (6 games to start). Zoombucks is available to the US, Canada and the UK. Click to sign up!
- This was posted by Catherine on September 13, 2010 -
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