Free Caught the Tooth Fairy Picture (ALL)
A personalized picture from Catch a Character is the perfect gift for any child… PROOF that their favorite fictional character is not only real, but was actually ‘Caught on Camera’ in their very own home!
Kids will be amazed when they see the "proof" and you'll be a Hero! Choose from their world famous cast of characters including Santa Claus, The Easter Bunny and The Tooth Fairy.
Upload a photo of your sleeping child and get a free digital photo download with a tooth fairy using the coupon code Fairy-Proof (a $9.99 value).
Note: This is a digital product. A printed photo will NOT be mailed to you. You will have the opportunity to instantly download, print and share the photo in many sizes including 4x6, 5x7 and 8x10.
Click for free Tooth Fairy Photo
- This freebie posted by Catherine on August 18, 2010 -
Remember, doesn't give out the freebies, I only post the freebies I find on the net. So to increase your chances of the freebies arriving in your mail, you could stick to the offers from the larger companies (i.e.: Wal-Mart, P&G, Kroegers, Sam's Club, etc.). However, lots of readers post on the Frugal Freebies forum saying they can't believe the amount of free stuff they've received in the mail, even though not every freebie will turn up from the other sites posted.
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