Free Breastfeeding Relaxation Download (ALL)
Research has shown that relaxation can increase breastfeeding milk production by 63% when mothers are given a 20 minute relaxation tape to listen to. Stress hormones, anxiety and fatigue are known to inhibit milk supply and so relaxation training can be of very real benefit to both mother and baby, both physically and psychologically.
Stress can be a very real part of life when a new baby arrives, and this can make breastfeeding difficult for even the best-supported of mums.
To support mothers in World Breastfeeding Week, Lyndsay Swinton of, who breast fed both her children, has made the Breastfeeding Relaxation download available free.
"I used self hypnosis all through my pregnancy and would listen to the breastfeeding relaxation download before breastfeeding. It gave my sleep deprived, hormonal body a bit of time out and topped up the motivation to keep breastfeeding, which can only have been good for both me and my babies".
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Click for free Breastfeeding Relaxation MP3
NOTE - scroll past where it asks for payment and offers a guarantee, right to the bottom - where it says, "Download 'Breastfeeding Success' free." A small text link is below that.
"12 Top Reasons to Breastfeed" posters above is also free to print - Feel free to put the posters up in your school, clinic, office or home, and influence just a few more women to breastfeed, making the world just a little bit better.
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- This freebie posted July 9, 2010 -
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Category: breastfeeding, CDN, children, US, worldwide