Free Airport Parking
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We went to pick up family at the airport. You know the drill, leave it as late as you can, then circle the airport till you see them on the Arrivals platform. You might try to park for a bit, but security will soon be at your car door, asking you to move on.
Now maybe everyone but us already knew about this, but did you know they have something called Cell Phone Parking at most major airports? It's usually within a few minutes of Arrivals, and you can park there for FREE!
Now you can relax, read a book or newspaper, listen to a CD, take a nap - while you wait for the person to call and say they are ready to be picked up. So you save gas, and don't have to pay to park!
We found this Cell Phone parking lot at Pearson Airport for Toronto - located just north of the airport on Network Drive, between Highway 409 and American Drive. Call ahead to see if your airport offers a free Cell Phone parking lot?
Click here for a short list of US Cell Phone Parking Lots
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