Freebie Mailbag - Dec 15/09
A lot of freebie mail in the past couple of weeks! Funny, it seems like day after day, nothing in the mail, but when I pile it all up for a picture it's much more than I realized!
Free Gretsch 125th Anniversary Poster - this poster took 4 months to arrive, but it is really nice!
Free Meullers Meal Planner - great little planner with lots of coupons inside - lots of coupons, including my Free Glade product coupons.
Free tickets to a pre-screening of "It's Complicated!"
A Mountain of Formula Freebies - still getting formula coupons and toddler formula samples - I think I am up to $20 in formula coupons so far!
Free Alberto European Styling product - this free coupon arrived quickly!
Free Purina OptiStart Puppy Food - signed up for this some time again, and they occasionally send me $10 off coupons for ProPlan. One day I went to PetSmart and they had the bags on sale for only $11.99 - so I only paid $1.99! - Nicorette Gum - 30 pieces & Neutrogena for Men - 14ml. This site seems to have a new trial offer every week lately. But you have to be quick!
Free Seventh Generation Laundry Soap - 1.5 fl oz (44ml) - Another one that came quickly!
Free Plexus Slim - 5g - enough to make one drink.And what a surprise!? I won a book "This Charming Man" by Marian Keyes. I'm not sure I remember signing up for this, though I do recall posting something about getting a free book from Random House, I think? Oh yes, it was this one: Free Book - The Girls
But this book came from Penguin Oh well, what a nice prize - I love books!
Oh, and I received a bunch of calendars!
One from my Member of Parliament,
one from the local drug store - with coupons,
Free 2010 Milk Calendar - with recipes
And Rexall Drug store - with more coupons.
So, what's in your freebie mail lately??
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