Scavenger Hunt Winners!
Frugal Freebies randomly selected five (5) Scavenger Hunt guests who confirmed our Scavenger Hunt event on Facebook, to receive a Frugal Freebies T-shirt (size large - no participation required, but you did need to confirm that you would be attending this event) - Compliments of Catherine of
T-shirt Winners:
1 - Leslie Block Killian,
2 - Maureen Lanctot
3 - Debra Affrunti
4 - April Alvey
5 - Lauren Peterson
If you have not received an email from me thru Facebook yet, please contact me at catherine AT frugal-freebies DOT com, to claim your prize.
DRAW PRIZES: (1) Mary Engelbreit - Hinged Box - Retired Chair with Heart. Cat laying on back of classic ME design chair. New in box. Collectible. ($25 value)
- Compliments of Kim Davis Johnston of Hot Deal Finder - Freebies, Discounts, Coupons and More!
Winner of the "Retired Chair with Heart" is - Tracey Nebelung-Revis (1) Shave Gift Pack - Romanta Therapy Soft & Silky Unisex Shaving Cream ($13 value) and Soft & Silky After Shave Protection Mist ($27 value)
- compliments of Theresa Vazquez, Passion Parties Consultant... she does "those" kind of adult parties. Contact her at to book your party or visit her site to learn about becoming a consultant or place your confidential order anytime.
Winner of the Shave Gift Pack is - Sarah Nason
... one (1) $25 Knowledge Box Central Gift Certificate (to be used on anything except the Henty Audio CD's) - compliments of Cyndi Kinney of Knowledge Box Central designs and provides hands-on educational products for students of all ages. These products include lapbooks, copywork notebooks, notebooking pages, coloring & activity books, and more.
Winner of the $25 Knowledge Box Central Gift Certificate is - MichaelAnn McClintock copy of Campbell Norwood's book, "Recession $urvival Guide: Low-Cost and No-Cost Strategies to Spend Less, Save More!" ($15 value)
- compliments of Campbell Norwood. Shows you how to spend less in every category of your budget. Wallet Blog's review said, "Norwood’s book is chock-full of easy and inexpensive tips, and provides a helpful tool for learning where your money goes each month."
Winner of "Recession $urvival Guide" is - Sarah Clark
If you have not received an email thru Facebook yet, please contact me at catherine AT frugal-freebies DOT com, to claim your draw prize.
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Category: winners