Frugal Freebies Scavenger Hunt
What do you do to celebrate when you reach 5,000 Facebook fans? Have a Scavenger Hunt, of course!!
Find 30 freebies with our clues...
Enter to WIN!
in our Frugal Freebies Scavenger Hunt!

Any participant who answers all of the clues correctly qualifies to have their name entered in our draws for...

- compliments of Theresa Vazquez, Passion Parties Consultant... she does "those" kind of adult parties. Contact her at to book your party or visit her site to learn about becoming a consultant or place your confidential order anytime.

- Compliments of Kim Davis Johnston of Hot Deal Finder - Freebies, Discounts, Coupons and More!
- compliments of Cyndi Kinney of Knowledge Box Central designs and provides hands-on educational products for students of all ages. These products include lapbooks, copywork notebooks, notebooking pages, coloring & activity books, and more.

- compliments of Campbell Norwood. Shows you how to spend less in every category of your budget. Wallet Blog's review said, "Norwood’s book is chock-full of easy and inexpensive tips, and provides a helpful tool for learning where your money goes each month."

...a free shipping code for Avon ($3 value) -
- Compliments of Meredith Platt Bilski, Avon Consultant. Avon sells make-up, skincare, bath and body items, fragrances for men & women, haircare, wellness products, gift items, clothes and items for children of all ages. Online site is open 24/7, anyone can order no matter where they live.
Click here to go to the Facebook event page to pick up your free Avon shipping code.
NOTE - Any other businesses or sites that would like to offer a prize or free gift for our 5,000 Fans Celebration, please contact me at catherine at frugal-freebies dot com
- The Frugal Freebies Scavenger Hunt will be located on the Frugal-Freebies website only. All clues will be posted on the Facebook Frugal Freebies Fan page.
- To play, you must be on Facebook, and become a Facebook fan
(Click here to become a fan if you aren't already. It's worth it to become a fan. Every day you will find posted on the Wall: Hot Freebies, Freebies Tips and we have a Freebie Mail post to share on every day.)
- The Scavenger Hunt will start at Monday, November 2nd at 12:00 PM Eastern Standard Time (EST), and run till 12:00AM EST on November 6th.
- One game clue will be posted to the Fan Page Wall every hour or so, starting at at 12:00 PM EST each day, for a total of 6 clues each day.
How to Play: Search the entire Frugal Freebies site, using the clue provided, to find the matching freebie. There is nothing on the correct page to tell you that you have it right. You must simply make your best guess, based on the clue provided. (Hint: Use our Search - top right)
- To enter the draws, post the freebie you have chosen under the clue on our Facebook Fan page Wall. You need to post the exact title of the freebie page. Like this:
Free Burrito at Chipotle On Halloween- All answer entries must be placed under the correct clue post on the Fan Page Wall, or it will not count. You cannot combine several answers into one comment, only the first answer will be counted. Responding to this post will not count.
- All answer entries correctly posted for each clue are counted, even if 20 people before you posted the same freebie answer, you still have a chance to win if you post the correct freebie answer to the clue.
- If a posted clue does not produce any correct answer entries, the clue will be reposted the next day for another chance to try.
- All freebies chosen for this Scavenger Hunt were still available at the time I chose them, so if you see a freebie you might want, sign up for it!
This contest is open to anyone 18+ years of age. NO PURCHASE IS NECESSARY TO ENTER THIS CONTEST. All entries must be submitted before midnight (EST) of the day the clue is posted. Contest ends at midnight (EST) on November 6, 2009. Void where prohibited.
Frugal Freebies will select the T-shirt prize winners by randomly choosing five names from all confirmed guests. Participation is not required to win a T-shirt, but you must confirm on our Facebook Event page that you will be attending to be eligible to win. We will notify the winners via Facebook message following the closing date of the contest. If the selected winners are unreachable, ineligible, or fail to claim the prize within seven (7) days, the winners will forfeit their prizes and alternate winners will be selected.
The following prizes DO require participation in the Scavenger Hunt. All participants who answer all of the clues correctly qualify to have their name entered in the following draws:
- One (1) contest winner will be awarded a Mary Engelbreit Chair with Heart, compliments of Hot Deal Finder
- One (1) contest winner will be awarded a $25 Knowledge Box Central Gift Certificate - compliments of
- One (1) contest winner will be awarded a Shave Gift Pack - compliments of Theresa Vazquez, Passion Parties Consultant
- One (1) contest winner will be awarded a copy of "Recession $urvival Guide: Low-Cost and No-Cost Strategies to Spend Less, Save More!" - compliments of Campbell Norwood
We will notify the winners via Facebook messages following the closing date of the contest. If the selected winners are unreachable, ineligible, or fail to claim the prize within seven (7) days, the winners will forfeit their prizes and alternate winners will be selected. No part of the contest prizes are transferable.
Frugal Freebies is not responsible for entries not received due to internet access problems, service outages or delays, or any other technical difficulties or glitches.
All participants indicate acceptance of these Official Contest Rules upon participation and, except where prohibited by law, the winners will be required to consent to the use of their first and last names, state or province, country, and/or prize information, without limitation for promotional purposes and without further payment.
EMAIL AND HOME ADDRESSES SUBMITTED TO FRUGAL FREEBIES WILL NOT BE SHARED, SOLD, OR DISCLOSED TO THIRD PARTIES, EXCEPT AS REQUIRED BY LAW. Exception:,, and will be provided the contact information of the WINNERS of their respective prizes for the purpose of sending the prizes they are providing to those WINNERS.
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