I Am Your Child Video Giveaway (CLOSED)

How do you make a positive difference in the life of your child? What can you do to promote healthy brain development in your infant? How do you raise a happy, confident, successful learner? How can the first years last forever?
As a parent, you play an important role in shaping the way your baby will learn, think and behave in the future. Research shows that the relationship between you and your child in the early years is a necessary part of healthy brain development.
This introductory "I Am Your Child" video teaches the vital importance of the relationship between caregiver and child in the critical first years of life. Includes information on: Bonding and attachment, Communication, Health and nutrition, Discipline, Self-esteem, Child care, Self-awareness. Running Time: 29 minutes
To enter to win these two books, simply follow these simple steps and leave a separate comment for each step completed. I will choose one random comment using the Random.org integer generator, so the more comments you leave, the more chances you have to win these great products! Only relevant comments will be accepted. Your Giveaway prize is always free, there is no entry fee, no shipping & handling fee.
1. Leave a comment about where you found out about this giveaway. (1 entry)
2. Follow Frugal Freebies on Twitter and leave a comment that you did! (1 entry)
3. Steal our Frugal Freebies Giveaway button and leave a comment about where you put it! (1 entry)
4. Twitter this giveaway and leave a comment that you did! (1 entry)
5. Blog about this giveaway and leave a link to your blog post! (1 entry)
6. Follow the Frugal Baby Tips blog! (1 entry)
7. Follow the Frugal Freebies blog! (1 entry)
8. Stumble or Digg Frugal Freebies and leave a comment that you did! (1 entry)
9. Visit Born to Love and leave a comment about an item from the site that you would love to have. (1 entry)
10. Make a purchase from Born to Love using coupon code Giveaway for 10% off your total order. (10 entries)
Born to Love has been in the baby business since 1978 run by a work-at-home-mom of 3. Born to Love carries natural baby products, including cloth diapering supplies, and is currently selling off their inventory, so Frugal Freebies wants to help do so quickly. Stock is limited, but there is still lots of product available. There is an on-going tax-free sale, as well as a 10% discount code (Giveaway) to help you save money while you shop for your little one(s).
Who is eligible:
This giveaway is open to US & Canadian entrants. You don't have to be a blogger to win, just supply a valid e-mail address or sign up to Prizey.net, if not comfortable leaving your email on a public blog.
When the giveaway ends:
Two weeks from posting. This giveaway ends on June 26/09. I will e-mail the winner, and results are always posted here as well. If the winner doesn't respond within four business days, with contact details, a new winner will be drawn.

Thank you to Sweeties Sweeps for listing my blog giveaway, as well as Ultimate Blog Carnival on LiveGiveaways.Com.
Other Giveaways: Bright Starts Twisty Bug Giveaway - ends June 19/09
Born to Love - All your baby needs, naturally! Cloth diapering & more. 10% Discount Code: "Giveaway"
Frugal Baby Tips - Money-saving tips on diapering, diaper washing, safety, slings & baby carriers, toys, clothing, nursing, menstrual needs, traveling with kids, more.
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My daughter is expecting our first grandchild in the next couple of weeks, so this would really come in handy!
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I follow Frugal Baby Tips - alicedemskehansen at gmail.com
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