Toilet Training Books Giveaway (CLOSED)

The Toilet Training book offers helpful advice for parents explaining readiness plus practical hints to help your child reach this new level in the growing up process. The excellent section on bed-wetting covers possible causes, practical tips, disposable and cloth choices to help you deal with this laundry problem and information on alarms and drug therapy. 112 pages.

Winning is easy!!
To enter to win these two books, simply follow these simple steps and leave a separate comment for each step completed. I will choose one random comment using the integer generator, so the more comments you leave, the more chances you have to win these great products! Only relevant comments will be accepted. Your Giveaway prize is always free, there is no entry fee, no shipping & handling fee.
1. Leave a comment about where you found out about this giveaway. (1 entry)
2. Follow Frugal Freebies on Twitter and leave a comment that you did! (1 entry)
3. Steal our Frugal Freebies Giveaway button and leave a comment about where you put it! (1 entry)
4. Twitter this giveaway and leave a comment that you did! (1 entry)
5. Blog about this giveaway and leave a link to your blog post! (1 entry)
6. Follow the Frugal Baby Tips blog! (1 entry)
7. Follow the Frugal Freebies blog! (1 entry)
8. Stumble or Digg Frugal Freebies and leave a comment that you did! (1 entry)
9. Visit Born to Love and leave a comment about an item from the site that you would LOVE to have. (1 entry)
10. Make a purchase from Born to Love using coupon code Giveaway for 10% off your total order. (10 entries)
Born to Love has been in the baby business since 1978 run by a work-at-home-mom of 3. Born to Love carries natural baby products, including cloth diapering supplies, and is currently selling off their inventory, so Frugal Freebies wants to help do so quickly. Stock is limited, but there is still lots of product available. There is an on-going tax-free sale, as well as a 10% discount code (Giveaway) to help you save money while you shop for your little one(s).
Who is eligible:
This giveaway is open to worldwide entrants. You don't have to be a blogger to win, just supply a valid e-mail address or sign up to, if not comfortable leaving your email on a public blog.
When the giveaway ends:
Two weeks from posting. This giveaway ends on May 29/09. I will e-mail the winner, and results are always posted here as well. If the winner doesn't respond within four business days, with contact details, a new winner will be drawn.

Thank you to Bloggy Giveaways, Sweeties Sweeps , Contest Beat and Frugal Girls! for listing my blog giveaway, as well as Ultimate Blog Carnival on LiveGiveaways.Com.
Last Week's Giveaway - Meow Mix Cat Gift Pack Giveaway - ends May 22/09
WINNER: There were 108 entries and we have one winner for this giveaway. The winning number is #51 - ktgonyea - Congratulations!
Don't miss our Weekly Giveaway from Frugal Freebies - Enter to win!
Born to Love - All your baby needs, naturally! Cloth diapering & more. 10% Discount Code: "Giveaway"
Frugal Baby Tips - Money-saving tips on diapering, diaper washing, safety, slings & baby carriers, toys, clothing, nursing, menstrual needs, traveling with kids, more.
This would come in very handy this summer! I found the link on Facebook! Thanks!
This would be extremely helpful for me right about now, as my daughter is toilet training and we are definitely having some major struggles! I am going nuts with it! P.S Love your page on Facebook! I always find a great amount of awesome info and great places to get good deals!
I would LOVE to have this -- I'm about to start potty training my daughter! ANd .. I posted it on my Twitter page!
I found out about this giveaway on Sweeties Sweeps! This book is needed... I have NO idea what to do with my son!
oshiekosh @
I found this giveaway through an e-mail from the Big List of Giveaways.
I subscribe to your emails--that's how I found out about this contest.
yeloechikee at hotmail dot com
Found you on Twitter with your latest frugal freebie tweet. Could really use the Potty Training book. DD was PT'd at 19 mos for a solid month then totally reverted. Now she'll do #2 but not #1. Totally backwards! I could use some help.
I found out about your giveaway on 5minutesformom. I could really use some help training my twins.
I found out about the giveaway from the Mother Load. Thanks!
5 minutes for mom
tvollowitz at aol dot com
my grandson is being trained would help
I found this on Canadian contests worth entering.
We're struggling with toilet training my son - these would definitely be helpful.
following the frugal baby tips blog.
melacan at hotmail dot com
I found out about this on the Big List of Giveaways. Thanks!
Found you on Sweepstakes Advantage, . Good luck to everyone!
I found this in a search engine with yahoo! Glad I did!
I am a google subscriber. That is how I found this giveaway. Thanks for the chance.
sweetascandy579 at yahoo dot com
I found out about this giveaway on gobs of giveaways.
I would love to have the BΓ©bΓ© Sounds Prenatal Listening Kit, to listen to my first whenever I wanted.
I'm trying to do potty training now without much luck. I could use the books. i found this contest at Sweepstakes advantage.
found you on prizey!
I read this blog daily. That's how I found it.
I found your blog via Prizey.
I like the BABYKINS BABY WIPES. Thanks for the giveaway.
found you on deal seeking mom giveaway gathering
newsaroundtheblogs at live dot com
Awesome! My daughter is about to start potty training and I need all the help I can get!
I found you on sweeties sweeps. I'm training my 2 1/2 year old and would LOVE this!
I found out about this on!
i found this through
Found this on Facebook and think it is great timing, as I am potty training 5 toddlers right now.
I am now following Frugal Moms on Twitter!
I found your through the DSM giveaway gathering.
I am now following frugalfreebies on twitter.
Mom Giveaways sent me here!
I follow Frugal Freebies on Twitter.
Very Handy :)
ktgonyea at
I tweeted.
I stumbled.
We could use all the help we can get for granddaughter.
I found this on Contest Girl.
plur268 at yahoo dot com
I found out about this on Contest Girl!
curtiskaty at hotmail dot com
I found out about this contest from Contest Girl --- thanks for the giveaway:)
I found this through Prizey.
khmorgan_00 [at] yahoo [dot] com
I would like to try the Training Pants Babykins with my son.
khmorgan_00 [at] yahoo [dot] com
Thanks for the giveaway. I found the link on An Island Review.
A friend sent me the link to this giveaway and blog !
I found this giveaway because I subscribe to your rss through google reader!
Twitter: @erinjeany
ejsmomej at gmail dot com
I follow you on twitter! @erinjeany
Twitter: @erinjeany
ejsmomej at gmail dot com
I'm a subscriber so that's how I found out about this giveaway!
I found you on the Motherload: Apron full of giveaways.
Found this on!
Found this on prizey!
This would be great for us. My daughter is just starting to show signs of being potty-ready.
I followed you on Twitter (tashasews) and tweeted about it. (2 entries.)
Will likely blog about this soon, and will make another comment when I do so. I found this through updates on FB!
I found you via Sweeties Sweepstakes!
'Just a Mom's Take on Things' email had a list of giveaways and this one interested me as we have one in the early part of potty training stage. priscillawallace at sbcglobal dot net
Very Nice :)
ktgonyea at
I would love to give this to my daughter in law for my grandson. He is fixing to start with potty training.
I found this giveaway on Sweepstakes Advantage.
I found this giveaway all by accident jumping link to link -- all good of course! This would help my sister and my nephew this summer to use the BIG BOY POTTY so he'll be eady in Sept to go to the BIG BOY School : o )
I found out about the giveaway on Ms Bookish. :)
lilacbutterfly [at]
I found out from free sample freak.
Very nice prize :)
ktgonyea at
I found this on facebook. I am about to potty train my son and any help would be greatly appreciated.
I came here from Prize-a-Tron.
I am on you site all the time so I say it!!!
i read this link in my notifications page in facebook!
I visit this site daily so I saw it here.
i found you guys at the webpage
I learned about this from
I really need to start potty training my son. He keeps taking his diapers off and flinging them accross the room!
I found you through Thanks
hmahan_0529 @ yahoo dot com
I follow Frugal Freebies!
and I also Follow Frugal Baby Tips! THANKS
I'd also love to try the FuzziBunz Diapers!! Thanks
hmahan_0529 @ yahoo dot com
My 5/28 entry :)
ktgonyea at
Online sweeps
I found this through contest girl :) Thanks for the chance.
I found out about this giveaway on Contestgirl.
I found out about this giveaway on Prizeatron. Thanks for the wonderful giveaway.
dianad8008 AT gmail DOT com
I learned about this from
A friend's little girl is acting like she is ready to start training. This would be great for her.
Found you on
followed you on twitter. :)
following on twitter klp1965
following frugal freebies blog as klp1965
following frugal baby tips blog as klp1965
Thanks for the great giveaway! I found this link through Prizey.
Even though they are out of stock, I would love to have the Diaper Pail Deodorizers in Citrus Circles to help with the, um, smell in my daughter's room.
I found it at OLS
I found it on prizey :)
I found this contest on online-sweepstakes.
My cousin forwarded me the link via email
Following on twitter as purplepassion12
I am following Frugal Baby Tips blog
I am following Frugal Freebies
I would love to have the Babykins Waterproof Crib Change Pad
I found out about this giveaway from another web page.
I would love to have the Plastic Diaper Pail!
must be very helpful for potty trainning.
grab ur button