May 27th Special Days - Featuring Golden Gate Bridge Freebies!
May 27th is... Golden Gate Bridge Opened (1937), Cellophane Tape Day/Cellophane tape patented (1908), Masking Tape Patented (1930), National Grape Popsicle Day, National Gray Day, World Product Day, Old-Time Player Piano Day, Nothing to Fear Day, Sunscreen Protection Day/Sunscreen Day, National Italian Beef Day, Joe Cool Day, International Crop Duster's Day, Meryl Streep Day, Cultivating Comedy Day, Pop-Up Toaster Released (1918), Children's Day (Nigeria), Army Day (Nicaragua), Muffin Day (Sweden), Feast of Saint Melangell
Social Media: #GoldenGateBridge #onthisdate #Todayinhistory #specialdays #holidays
Golden Gate Bridge |
-- San Francisco's Golden Gate Bridge, a stunning technological and artistic achievement, opens to the public after five years of construction. On opening day--
Pedestrian Day--some 200,000 bridge walkers marveled at the 4,200-foot-long suspension bridge, which spans the Golden Gate Strait at the entrance to San Francisco Bay and connects San Francisco and Marin County.
π Build and Test a Paper Bridge
π Craft Stick Bridge
π Golden Gate Bridge Coloring Page
The Brave Little Toaster |
-- Charles Strite invented the first automatic pop-up toaster on May 29, 1919. Strite was a master mechanic at a plant in Stillwater, Minnesota. He applied for a patent for his device, and it was approved on October 18, 1921. Strite started the Waters Genter Company in 1921 to begin marketing his toaster.
π The Brave Little Toaster Papercraft
π Toaster coloring pages
π Tutorial: Felt toaster treats craft
π 25 Free Brave Little Toaster Coloring Pages
Category: CDN, children, crafts, feature, freebie, holiday, holiday freebies, holidays, homeschool, May, papercrafts, printables, US, worldwide