Frugal Freebies is Three Months Old!
Three months, 460 freebies and 729 Frugal Freebie fans later - I figure it's time to review. I'm going to go back to the first posts, and see which are still active, which freebies I've received, and post about it each day. Sept 5 - Free Beauty samples - I didn't request this one - but when I click on it today, it looks like you have to spend money at this site to get free product. I can't recall now if I knew that when I first posted. I've gotten much better at checking out freebies since that first day. Anyone get freebies from that site? => Free full-size product with purchase from - Click here. Sept 5 - Free Sample Of Mary Kay Ultimate Mascara - Another US only freebie, so I didn't request it. When I click on it today, it is still active, so if you haven't requested one yet, there still time. Anyone receive this freebie? => Free Sample Of Mary Kay Ultimate Mascara - Click here. Sept 5 - Free Bodi Heat Sample - This says it's only for US residents, but thought I did request this one and received it in time to try it out on the Canadian Thanksgiving Day, when my back pain was really strong. I thought it wasn't working, but it turned out that it didn't even stick and was crumpled up in my clothing, so I tossed it in the garbage. Trying again today and having it sent to my inlaw's Florida address. Anyone else receive this freebie? => Free sample of Beyond Bodi Heat - Click here.
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